

I’ve always loved my family. Since I was a little toddler with blonde curls and freckles, I’ve looked forward to summertime because it means time with the Durham family.

We are on our way to Watersound, Florida to spend 5 days relaxing, laughing, eating, etc. with people who have largely contributed, in the best ways, to who I am today. I love my family. The older I get, the more I appreciate them.

So far on our little journey with my dad, we have listened to Tony Bennett, Billy Joel, The Eagles, The Mamas & Papas, you get the drift. We stopped to see Lincoln’s birthplace and see a close friend in Nashville. I can’t help but think about how grateful I am for this phase of life… where I get to take part in old memories while making new ones.

Whoever family is to you… love them well. Drive 12 hours to laugh with each other. Plan time to just sit around and play cards together. Because they’re your home team. And they love you for who you really are… and remind you of how far you’ve come.

Here’s to you, family vacation. You are much more than a few days in Florida.

One thought on “Durhams.”

  1. I’m so excited for you to have this time with your family. What a great way to wrap up the summer! Praying for safe travel, yummy food, memorable moments filled with laughter and great conversation. Your friend, Alison

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